Alessandro Giustini was graduated in Medicine and Surgery at Florence University, Specialized in Geriatrics at Florence University, in Health Organization and Management at Siena University and in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine at Milan University. He is Contract Professor for Specialization in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine at Florence University from 1988 until now, and for the Degree Course for Physiotherapists at the Catholic University of Rome from 1999 until 2004.
Now he is also consultant Professor in PRM of Pavia and Pisa Medicine University. He founded in 1988 and was Chief until 1999 of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Arezzo Hospital, then became Consultant for the “San Raffaele” Tosinvest-Sanità Group at Rom-, where he also held the post of Co-ordinator of the activities of the Department of Neuro- Rehabilitation until February 2003.
Since March 1st, 2003 he has been Scientific Director and Director of the Integrated Rehabilitation Facilities (170 Beds for inpatients and outpatients in neuro, osteo-muscolar, cardio-pulmonar, occupational, speech and functional rehab. programmes) of the IRCCS “Maugeri” Foundation, Montescano, Pavia. In this Institute he directs 2 (years 2004/2006 ) Research Projects held by National Italian Health System on Parkinson Rehabilitation and on Efficacy/effectiveness of Rehabilitation. And also he collaborates into a Research Project held by private industrial sponsors on advanced Technical Aids for Rehabilitation.
Since March 2006 until March 2008 he was clinical Chair and Director for Scientific activities in Auxilum Vitae Rehabilitation Center in Volterra (Pisa). Since 2008 May until now is Scientific Director of SanPancrazio Rehabilitation Hospital –HSS Group – in Arco (Trento) and Scientific Consultant in Rehabilitation Agazzi Center in Arezzo.
Now the main aims for the research are in the field (modalities, organizations, tools, efficacy) of new Technologies, Robotics and Telerehabilitation, expecially towards Neurorehabilitation (particularly Stroke and Severe Brain Injury). Surely the most important field of interest in clinical and research activities in a national and international landscape: methodolgy, new tools for evaluation and treatments, outcomes, efficacy and effectiveness, financial supports and Community network.
Alessandro Giustini is Italy's representative since 1995 for the Discipline of Physiatry in the European Union of Medical Specialists at Brussels. Before general secretary of the Professional Labour Union of Physiatrists until 2002, he was elected President of the Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine for a three-year term until 2005. Was President too of Italian Neuro-Rehabilitation Society for years 2007/2009.Since now responsible for Simfer regarding the international relationships.
Was President of European PRM Society ( years 2007-2011) organizing the European Congress in Venice in 2010 and many other actitivities and meetings, supporting the developmente of PRM in Europe. During this period European Journal of PRM , founded in Italy and actually official Journal of European Society , became one of the most important scientific journal in the world.
He is one of member-founder in 2005, into the Mediterranean Forum of PRM, of Euro-Mediterranean PRM Summer School in Siracusa (Sicily) , and is member of numerous international Scientific Societies in the field of rehabilitation as American Academy of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , World Forum of Neurorehabilitation and the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. For ISPRM he is actually Vice-President for European Area and responsible for the World Disability Report Committee.
Alessandro Giustini has about 200 works published in national and international Rehabilitation journals and has edited also numerous educational and popular books, and organized didactic and scientific Congresses locally, nationally and internationally.
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